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Top Challenge of Digital Marketing in India

Educating the client: Do you prefer to have a good client? Take some time and effort to educate them on digital marketing. Having a huge budget earmarked for digital media or just having a Facebook page is not going to help anyways. Its easy to entice and convince client with digital parlance, but on longterm you will have a disappointed and grumpy client. No agency would prefer that. Extra effort to train client will pay you on longterm. We contemplate this fact and have various training modules of Digital marketing Expert. Engagement is the fundamental: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half” as quipped by John Wanamaker long time ago doesn’t hold in digital marketing as such. We spend, measure and improvise here with the watchword ROI. Here is the trouble in disguise- let go off the engagement factor. When I mean engagement, it’s not about the impressions, reach or SOV, but it’s more of intangible and broadly AIDA (Attention In


URLs (Uniform Resource Locator) form an integral part of any Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign. A recent study shows that of the top ten indexed pages for a particular keyword, ‘Google has 40-50% of those with the keyword either in the URL or the domain, Yahoo shows 60% and Bing has an astonishing 85%’. What this translates into for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is that having keywords in the URL or domain name can make a lot of difference to a page’s ranking. There are primarily two types of URL – Static URL and Dynamic URL Static URL: As the name suggests, Static URLs do not change. It does not have any variable strings or URL parameters. The page actually exists on a server and can be downloaded via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Eg: A URL of the type is a static URL. Dynamic URL: A Dynamic URL is an address that directs to a dynamically generated web page. The content of the page is stored on a database and is displayed only on demand.

Theme Bleeding might be a reason

Content and Navigation of a website are supposed to be two key pillars which support any Search Engine Optimization campaign. However at times, good content and a well thought of navigation might not be able to do the SEO wonders it was supposed to do. Theme Bleeding might me a reason! By definition, Theme Bleeding is a link leading from a specific topic or theme to another theme (or topic) that is not directly related. For eg: You have a webpage about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Some of the outgoing links from this page point to a web page about Social Media Marketing. Though you may be offering both the services to your clients and it might make business sense to cross sell, however Google and other search engines might consider it as an apt case for Theme Bleeding. Your ‘theme’ of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is bleeding into an unrelated theme of Social Media Marketing. Google Algorithm ranks pages on the basis of their Relevance to the content/Keyword. Theme Blee

Our SEO service

Our SEO service We opened the doors yesterday to our private SEO service. If you've been wavering on the fence about whether or not SEO still works, post Google Panda and Penguin... let me just say this: SEO is STILL Alive and Kicking Strong as Ever! Do NOT Listen To Google, Listen to TEST Results! We've been testing our networks and other things that Google says "don't work" like mad dogs... And we've got nothing but positive findings! :) Let's be honest, A LOT Has Changed In SEO. We just have to be willing to change alongside it. No longer can I just throw a bunch of links at my site and call it a day. If I don't link the "right" way I can tank my sites' rankings or worse yet, potentially get it banned. But what is the "right" way? It has been a long, hard 6 months since Google unleashed their updates, but now the dust is starting to settle, and more and more things are becoming blatantly clear as

Social Media Network Marketing

How Social media Network Marketing Works “how can social media networks make me more money?” The problem with that approach is that you tend to focus on immediate means of monetizing the value of social networks such as MySpace, Orkut, Friendster, LinkedIn and Flikr etc, while ignoring the real reason these networks were setup and how you can use those ideas to help your business. MySpace, Orkut and Friendster grew as means to stay in touch with friends online, touch new people online and to give or share ideas. LinkedIn has a similar slant - it is very good for professionals and entrepreneurs who willing to grow their contacts for on hiring or outsourcing. And Flickr is blindingly a simple tool for sharing photos online. the sucess of social media network marketing is very dynamic one should be dipped in to how people are using internet getting evolved in searching for information and participating in social network spaces with other group or individuals through online / internet.

What Not to do in SEO

onpage optimization techniques You may be doing something you which is not recommended by search engines! What NOT to do when optimizing your website, be clear and prepare you not get banned by search engines. How do you know if you've get banned? let me explain you how to know if your website is banned by Google and other search engines. some times people think that their site have been banned, in real time why their website ranking have just dropped and not able to see their website. There are few things you can do. 1. Check Google search results. 2. View the Google toolbar. Check Google's search results. open Google and enter your entire URL into Google's search box. for ex we will use a domain name. ( ok, we'll go to Google and give the entire URL and click "search" , note you will see the below information displayed in google. Tip:save time by hitting the return key insted of clicking on "search" sorry no i

What Not to do in SEO

onpage optimization techniques You may be doing something you which is not recommended by serach engines! What NOT to do when optimizing your website, be clear and prepare you not get banned by search engines. How do you know if you've get banned? let me explain you how to know if your website is banned by Google and other search engines. some times people think that their site have been banned, in real time why their website ranking have just dropped and not able to see their website. There are few things you can do. 1. Check Google search results. 2. View the Google toolbar. Check Google's search results. open Google and enter your entire URL into Google's search box. for ex we will use a domain name. ( ok, we'll go to Google and give the entire URL and click "search" , note you will see the below information displayed in google. Tip:save time by hitting the return key insted of clicking on "search" sorry no i