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Social Media Network Marketing

How Social media Network Marketing Works

“how can social media networks make me more money?”

The problem with that approach is that you tend to focus on immediate means of monetizing the value of social networks such as MySpace, Orkut, Friendster, LinkedIn and Flikr etc,
while ignoring the real reason these networks were setup and how you can use those ideas to help your business.

MySpace, Orkut and Friendster grew as means to stay in touch with friends online,

touch new people online and to give or share ideas. LinkedIn has a similar slant -
it is very good for professionals and entrepreneurs who willing to grow their contacts for on hiring or outsourcing.
And Flickr is blindingly a simple tool for sharing photos online.

the sucess of social media network marketing is very dynamic one should be dipped in to how people are using internet

getting evolved in searching for information and participating in social network spaces with other group or individuals through online / internet.

the main intenssion is this model is created your self based upon the mind set of the internet useing people,
this set ehere the people identifying themselves as part or function os a group or online community with similar/related likes and intrest that club them together

the traditional communication barriers of physical locations no longer exist here so this is easy to do here in social media networking.

here the viral marketing and WOM (word-of-mouth) marketing makes very potentiatial so the social media network feels marketing much easier than before.

The best use out of social networks is not to make money ‘directly’ off them,
but to support their marketing potential and to use the individual, group and the community to market your own business,product or service.
traditional search engine marketing v/s social marketing
The main goal of the search engine marketer is to drive more potential traffic to their website.
The best way to do that is to optimize your website (including the process of link building) for your target keywords/key pharses.
Online socialmedia networks present an efficient platform for you to spread of your marketing message to the ton of online groups if possible.
In addition, social media network is also a great tool for getting tons of visits and thousands of page views to your site.
the techniques and tactics of build the website design and devlopment of standard search marketing will
tell that the best way to do by top class targeted content creation for your niche keywords.
and get links back to your site with you niche keywords as anchor text links
what it does mean is that you need to dedicate more of your attention towards
how you can gear the traffic you do receive from these sources.
To do that, based on the niche topics visitors need to create their own centred social network.
social media network allow various point of connection and links when compare to any one earth , this is the power of social network
giving them the ability to find, share, enjoy, and track anything and everything that act of touching their fancy.
Using social network applications like MySpace these preferences and choices can be saved, stored, shared and used to build a network of glowing endorsements for your business and products.
As these endorsements are established and cross-referenced, the profile of yourself, your company, and your products can grow proportionally more and more people become exposed to and share your marketing message.
the main primary focus of traditional search marketing techniques is to get estblish of the links from other sites
which should point visitors back towards your website, More desirable with your niche keyword anchor text.
in real term, it means asking your friends and family to give there opinions online ,
on your product or services

In fact, in lots of cases, you've probably done some research on your own,


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