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What Not to do in SEO

onpage optimization techniques You may be doing something you which is not recommended by search engines!

What NOT to do when optimizing your website, be clear and prepare you not get banned by search engines.

How do you know if you've get banned?

let me explain you how to know if your website is banned by Google and other search engines.
some times people think that their site have been banned,
in real time why their website ranking have just dropped and not able to see their website.
There are few things you can do.

1. Check Google search results.
2. View the Google toolbar.

Check Google's search results.

open Google and enter your entire URL into Google's search box.
for ex we will use a domain name. (

ok, we'll go to Google and give the entire URL and click "search" , note you will see the below information displayed in google.

Tip:save time by hitting the return key insted of clicking on "search"
sorry no information is available for the URL

.if the URL is valid, try visiting that web page by clicking on the folllowing link
.Find web page from the site
.find the web page that contain the term ""

Notice that Google says there is no information available for this URL?
means that the URL is no longer in Google's database.

If you enter a brand new website into Google,
you'll always see the message until the website has been indexed. But, in this case,
site what we entered may banned by google or may be the very new site which is not included in google database

we can see by other way if your site has been blocked or banned by google

Viewing the Google Toolbar.

if the toolbar is installed already just open your site
if you see the toolbar in gray colour
that means your site have banned by google and chance for other search engine also to banned.

causes for your site to get banned?
some of onpage and offpage ranking factors which can be the reason for google to ban your site
well start with the onpage points which can be the reason to ban your site

first, know that many webmaster still doing some of these bad idea on internet
They Never help your site or page rankings and they are simply a waste of time.

so please avoid them. shortly or some time late search engines will find these sites and will remove them permanently.

so it is useless to take risk which no longer the serachengine helps on the ranking factor.

Hidden Text
when user visits your site the text, keyword or phrases where user can't see on your webpag this known as hidden text

by doing this, few webmaster think that they can stuff the keywords throught the site without disturbing the visitors then feel for it..
but still search engines can see the Hidden text without any difficulty.

Alt image tag spamming

the other way of stuffing the keywords into the images and graphics through the website.
but the visitors will not able to see the any difference in their site.
The purpose of an alt image tag is if a user visits your site and the images will not load,
or is disabled by their browser, only keywords will displayed instead of the images.

Alt image spamming is something you want to stay away.
Using alt image tags are good,but one should know how to write that .
A good alt image tag in this case would simply "describe your image"

Meta Tag Stuffing

here the webmasters pour all the volume of the keyword into there matatags
For ex:

this is ridiculous. Google, and other search engines no never use Meta Tags to rank websites.
google WILL penalize it, and it never help you so please "stay away with those webmasters"

Title Tag Stuffing
the title is what appears in the top left hand corner of your webpage
Don't do it... You only need to include your keyword one time in your title tag.

and if you overdo that,
your site will be penalized the ranking will get dropped very drastically.

These are just a few of the bad ideas that people are continuing to do online.
eventually these bad ideas make your site banned or penalized and never improve your page rank / site rank.
It's just a waste of time and effort,
its all about bad technics on internet marketing, some webmaster follow and later will get your website banned by major search engines

almost 45% of the website are dropping and blocked by google with bad webmaster technics in online marketing

offpage optimization techniques

*google does not penalize or ban a website even if your competitor tries to harm your website.

the one main aspects of google to penalize or ban your web site if the website links to "verybad neighborhoods", this may happen..
Link Farms and Penalized websites means which the site google is already marked the Grey barred

right now please think a minute and its good to stay away from these stuffs..

Ex: take as example, Let's say I "AA" have a website and exchanged links with your "BB"website.
At the time that we exchanged links, both of our websites that is "AA &"BB" were very quality, related websites, with a Google Page Rank of 6. This would be an ideal link trade.

Ok, now several months go by, and in the meantime, "AA" doing all kinds of "black-hat SEO"

Note: Black Hat SEO Practices is just doing all the filthy technics to get your website to banned by the search engines.

After doing all of this Black Hat bad SEO technics, Google decides to ban "AA" website, which gives "AA"
"gray barred Page Rank"
and "AA" no longer in Google's index of websites. "AA" completely gone from Google.
So what, right? "AA" could care less since it's "BB" IS not "AA" owned website...

Well, guess what? "BB" still linking to "AA" website, which is currently known to be a "bad neighbor" and "BB" could get banned severly for linking to "AA",
without even doing any modification to "BB" website, That's a scary thought...
Think lot about it .

"BB" could actually drop hundreds of search positions without even making any changes to there website.

Problem ...
the main issue in links trading is the ton of time which takes to build a very good link network.
building the links with trademark sites is easiest way to increase page rank in google and also to get google to visit your site very frequently,
it's hard work to do manually. but still do manual link submission its always recommended


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