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Showing posts from November, 2007

India ppc

PPC growth in India is quite significant. - 24k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Anyway what is blog?

The concept is quite simple; to provide users with an easy-to-use and publicly available self-publishing platform. Plus the beauty of having a blog is that you can keep it as simple, or make it as complicated and advanced, as you want। In 2004 blogging was a novelty. In 2005 it became a trend. Today, having a blog is a business necessity. Whether you are looking to voice your opinion on an issue you feel strongly about, or you're looking to explore your creative side, or promote yourself as an expert in your field, having a blog has fast become one of the prime markers of status and business nous. While most people tend to think of blogs as being personal online journals, the power of the Web allows you to convert something as simple as a ‘ web l